

The story of Stormy

Through years of travels, a handful of apartments, and a slew of cities, we’ve eventually landed right back where we started - Stormy Lake. This time, we’ve come to work.

Our story begins back in September of 2015. After years of brewing coffee every which way, Becca decided to try her hand at roasting coffee on a dinky Popcorn Popper and setup shop on some steps outside our favorite Northwoods cabin. The process was messy, but it produced a damn fine, first ever cup of Old Man Murph’s. 

Fast forward a few years and we stepped up our roasting game to a Fresh Roast SR500 Coffee Roaster while living in Chicago and sharing our home-roasted coffee with friends and visitors. We began researching where to source green beans, different origins, and sipping on all the coffee we could. The possibilities of roasting intrigued us and we loved seeing friends and family enjoy a mighty tasty cup of joe. 

Another year or so passed and we realized we wanted a change in our lives. Living in Chicago, we missed nature, fresh air, and a bit of adventure. So - after months of planning and daydreaming - we quit our jobs, packed our '06 Highlander to the brim and hit the road. Our plan was to stop at as many National Parks as we could and eventually end up in Portland, OR., and we did just that. We spent two months on the road and loved every minute of it. Check out some of the views below... 


After a month in Portland, we found a loving roasting home at Buckman Coffee Factory – where we got to play first hand with our first gas roaster, a Probat. Good times were had, the coffee was a’flowin, and we thought we should maybe give this whole ‘Old Man Murph’s’ thing a real go. Our circle of family and friends agreed. Unfortunately, our finances were a bit low so we decided to leave Portland after a very short stay and head back to the good ol' Midwest. 

That brings us to today and the future. We’re up in the northern Wisconsin roasting on a Behmor 1600 Plus Roaster and currently setting up our 500g/1lb Gas Coffee Roaster from Mill City Roasters in a classy (but shabby) 1972 Aristocrat Camper Trailer that we're turning into our very own Roaster-mobile. Becca is constantly on the prowl for new, exciting coffees. Paul is churning out sweet graphics. And together we’re ready to roast up a storm.

If you’re new to Old Man Murph’s – Welcome! Kick back and take a look around the site. We hope you enjoy what you find.

If you’re already a fan – We fricken LOVE you.

We celebrate our travels and future endeavors with our Stormy Roast, a bright & interesting Ethiopian lot. We roast it at a medium level, and you’ll probably pick up on some pretty citrus flavors and a creamy caramel mouthfeel. 


Cheers to all, and to all a good day.


Becca & Pauly